Thursday, April 12, 2012

If it meant to be, it would be... :)

Beberapa waktu lalu, pernah ikutan suatu ajang nulis dan ternyata enggag berhasil. Hahahah, somehow I felt disappointed with myself. It was like saying, “WHAT ARE YOU GOOD AT?”

Lumayan padahal itu, gak seberapa sih emang, cuma dapat beberapa novel. Tapi kan, it was not about the reward! It was about the satisfaction, joy, and pride.

Dan i let it go, It is just a process of trial and error I believe....

Hemm, dan gak lama abis itu, I went to the mall, watched a movie, and there was a book sale! I HAD 4 LOW-PRICED BOOKS.

And suddenly, I was thinking that instead of having the reward, I could have the books in another way. I COULD BUY IT MYSELF!!!!

GOD gave it, the bless, by his own way....
It was the gift that God gave me.
He sent me the money from my own struggle...
Still... the satisfaction I could feel.

Then, after realizing it, I know that,

God gives you what u want in different way sometimes, not as what we expected at first, but if it belongs to u, you can get it after all.

Iseng-iseng browsing quote2 keren ketemu quotenya si Luna. Sebelas duabelas intinya ya.. pas doi nyari sepatunya yang ilang, trus akhirnya ketemu dengan cara yang agak... TAK TERDUGA.

“Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end.... If not always in the way we expect.
(Luna Lovegood – Harry Potter)

P.S. Simple world, easy gratitude, wonderful meaning :))))

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