Wednesday, May 15, 2013


What have u done in ur entire life?
Is ur deed weight enough?

Waking up in the morning. Taking a late shubuh prayer. Doing the morning routine.
And I get going....
Studying. Playing. Working. Joking around. Gossipping. Day dreaming.
Taking dhuhur prayer.
Eating. Taking a nap when I can. Playing. Working. Watching TV. Listening to music.
Taking Ashar prayer.
Doing anything as we're breathing, keeping us busy.
Taking maghrib prayer.
Eating. Going online. Reading a book.
Taking Isya’ prayer.
Going to bed.
And the world goes around in repeat.

Lepehan Selanjutnya »»

Friday, March 29, 2013


Annyeong Haseyoooo....
Find my home-made english exercise!
I made this on early 2011 for Nana, the sweet one, when sHe was on 2nd grade, if I'm not mistaken. 

Click below link, okey? ^~^

Hope it will assist you...
Do it well...

Lepehan Selanjutnya »»


Jadi ceritanya, ngeliat embak embak naik motor dari jendela... Jendela angkot.
Doi pake celana pink ples jaket kulit dengan pita kecil blink-blink di bagian bawahnya.
Kayak yang pernah daku taksir.
Liat helm nya..
Liat motornya..
Baru ngeh, itu embak gw!
Ngekkk -___-‘
Mau manggil kok percum tag bergun jugag, yasud biarlah dia berlalu.

Aaahhh sebagai angkoters (penumpang angkot fanatik) daku mengaku tag berdaya. Padahal biasanya bawa helm buat nebeng2 (aaahhh aku terlalu multi fandom, full-time angkoters, half time nebengers lebih tepatnya, xexex)!

Lepehan Selanjutnya »»

Monday, March 25, 2013

Comfort zone ^^

This is so cozy, till my blood tastes so yummy.
The flower blooms at once.
Captivated I am!
Standing too long, then trying to make myself another home.
Catching a cold few times, IT’S HUMAN!
Here I am, just capturing, figuring out, and somehow just sitting on the bench.
Whether getting myself yummier till a blood sucker comes along or kindly find another recipient to share.

-March, 25,13-

Lepehan Selanjutnya »»

Eat, Eat, and Eat!!!

Perut okey, Pikiran yahud everyone?
Hyuuukkk cobain makanan-makan pengganjel perut yang mau dibahas ini.
Ada Jenang, wedang tahu, gandos, pecel, sama lumpia hlooo...
No worries, satu tempat kok!

Yuuhhh main-main deh ke tempat yang satu ini..

Lepehan Selanjutnya »»